VGF Transport Museum

Transport of the past and the future

The Frankfurt Transport Museum covers an area measuring 3,900 square metres and brings the history of public transport to life. The exhibition ‘Von der Pferdebahn bis zur Neuzeit’ (from the horse-drawn tram to the present day) offers an in-depth look at the development of Frankfurt’s local public transport. Visitors can admire 30 lovingly restored exhibits on their tour, including the first horse-drawn tram operated by the Frankfurter Trambahngesellschaft in 1872. The exhibition also features motorised and trailer carriages from every time period, such as a trolley bus from 1963, a steam locomotive from 1900 and a snow plough from 1939. The present day is represented by various current vehicles. The ‘Kinder-Fahrschule’ (children’s driving school) includes a converted driving platform on which the tram drivers of tomorrow can test their skills. You can also admire historic network diagrams, tickets, signalling equipment, engines, uniforms and even an old waiting room.

The work of the museum is supported by the Society for Historical Trams of the City of Frankfurt:

Neubauarbeiten im Verkehrsmuseum - Bis auf Weiteres geschlossen.

Aufgrund von Neubauarbeiten sind die sonntäglichen Öffnungstage sowie Gruppen-/Führungen aktuell nicht möglich. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.

Weitere und aktuelle Informationen über das Museum finden sie auf



If you’re interested in public transport, you’ll find detailed descriptions of all the exhibits and how they are used in the transport network in the Transport Museum’s brochure entitled ‘Willkommen im Verkehrsmuseum: Aus der Vergangenheit in die Gegenwart’ (Welcome to the Transport Museum: from the past to the present day), which is available at the museum for €3.

For more information, please visit