Watch out the train!

An information initiative for school students aged 13 or above to prevent serious accidents at stations and rail crossings

We’ve now all become used to seeing youngsters with headphones in their ears and their eyes fixed on their smartphone strolling through the city, crossing tram and rail lines, and waiting at the stop for the next connection. As they do this they are frequently – if unknowingly – putting their lives in danger. To tackle this problem, VGF is now offering schools within both Frankfurt and the wider area served by VGF a free-of-charge information initiative:

Making the danger real

The students are shown real-life scenes, filmed by CCTV cameras at VGF stops, which have been approved by the authorities for use with schools. A discussion is then held on what the students have seen. As part of this process, the students have the opportunity to report on their own experiences and are made aware of the dangers present on the road.

The Frankfurt Police service is enthusiastic about the VGF initiative and takes part in some of the school visits.

Is your school also interested in this scheme? If so, feel free to contact our representative:

Manuela Siering
Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt am Main 
Betrieb Schiene - Schulprojekt
Mannheimer Straße 117
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Mobil: 0171/8496477
E-Mail: m.siering(at)