The Deutschland-Ticket is available now!

You can now buy the Deutschland-Ticket online via MeineVGF.

Buy ticket online

You will then be able to travel with the new ticket from May 1, 2023. It is being introduced by the federal and state governments for €49 per month and is valid around the clock on local and regional public transport throughout Germany.

Our existing customers can easily switch to the Deutschland-Ticket online via MeineVGF. You can find out how to do this in our explanation video.

For job ticket and company ticket customers, we are working on a solution together with RMV. For more information, please contact the person responsible in your company.

We have summarized further important questions and answers about the Deutschland-Ticket for you in our questions and answers (FAQ) below.

The VGF offers these Deutschland-Tickets



Deutschland-Ticket with Hessenpass mobil for people from Hessen

Deutschland-Ticket with Hessenpass mobil for Frankfurt-Pass*

Deutschland-Ticket with Frankfurt-Pass mobil*


no matter




Necessary authorisation


Hessenpass mobil

Hessenpass mobil + Frankfurt-Pass*

Frankfurt-Pass mobil*


49 Euro

31 Euro

24.50 Euro

24.50 Euro


Find out more about the Deutschland-Ticket

Find out more about Hessenpass mobil

Find out more about Hessenpass mobil

Find out more about tickets for Frankfurt-Pass

*The Frankfurt-Pass and the Frankfurt-Pass mobile are different proofs.

Only persons who have received proof of the Frankfurt-Pass mobil are authorised to purchase it. To obtain the Frankfurt-Pass mobil, you must go to your local social welfare centre or request the notification by email. If you already have a Hessenpass mobil, you will not receive a Frankfurt-Pass mobil in addition.


Status per March 14th 2023


The change to the Deutschland-Ticket simply explained (only available in German)

Data protection information and fare regulations for the Deutschland-Ticket

For all regular and discounted Deutschland-Tickets purchased from the VGF, the data protection information and the fare regulations for the Deutschland-Ticket apply.